To start a movement of reproducing communities empowered by the radical grace of God that enjoy Jesus, obey Jesus, and operate like Him.


To worship God, enjoy Jesus, make disciples, and seek the renewal of all things... together.



We are a church who strives to never move on from the good news of the gospel. Instead, our desire is to continually move deeper into the realities of who God is and what He has done in Jesus. We are motivated to obey God not because we're trying to earn God's love, but because we're already loved in Jesus. The gospel is not only our message, but our motivation as well.


We are a church who strives to live like a healthy family in the way we love, serve and care for one another. Although we love our Sunday Worship Gatherings, we are not a weekly event, but rather a community of interdependent people who do life together day in and day out.  


We are a church who strives to live dependently on the power of the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives. We aren't trying to fix ourselves with our own power, but trusting His power to work in us.


We are a church who strives to live as missionaries wherever we live, work, and play through our words and deeds. We desire to be a community where it's safe to belong before you believe.


We are a church who strives to raise up and multiply disciples, leaders and churches into the nations.


We are a church who strives to participate in God’s mission to renew all things back to the way He intended them to be in the beginning. We desire to partner with God to see His kingdom come everywhere, especially the Temecula Valley.

*For a more thorough explanation of each value, click HERE